So you would have to be dead not to have heard the rumors of SharePoint 2014, SharePoint 15, SharePoint 2013…or what ever the future name will be. With the Technical Preview well underway, and lots of grins, smiles, looks of terror, and general “No Comments” from those under NDA you have to be wondering.
If you don’t know what I am talking about please read this post by PJ at Microsoft:
Microsoft has promised a public beta this summer. (source)
So a news just hit the fan..EDUCATION 15? What is Education 15 you ask. A Office Education Application set to release with the other Office 15 products. May folks are expecting it to be a LMS system with tight integration into Office and SharePoint, leveraging all the power of Exchange, Lync, and Office365. Check out the post on Softpedia.
So as we get a few more bits of information, what do you think. Many of my colleagues are looking to see if it is a Blackboard style solution that can leverage SharePoint at the Collaboration and Presentation layer.
Other News:
So many have sent me emails and a few text messages asking if I can tell them….even off the record…..NOPE.
I can give you some ideas of what people have been asking for on the sort list.
Metro Masterpages (yep you heard me..metro masterpages)
SharePoint Apps (aka Windows 8 Apps) the ability to leverage the Windows App Store
Mobile friendly Masterpages (ipad and android friendly)
More Social functionality (Facebook webpart, Twitter Webpart)
A true Command Console
HTML 5 Ready (webpart, tools, techniques to expand)So interesting right, cant wait to see. Other thought focus around the integration with Office365, and the Office 15 platform, more ribbon controls, more SharePoint friendly integration. I know there is a lot of buzz about possible Outlook integration.So as we wait on the edge nae; Brink of the Summer Beta we look for someone to give us just a hint or peek of what’s to come. Either way I will continue to send my Pirate Spies into the land of the SharePoint TAPers and see….just see what is in store.