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November Portland SharePoint User Group

Hello World,

The November Portland SharePoint User Group meeting will be held on Wednesday November 16th, 2011. This month Ben Muller from CSG Pro will talk about SQL Server 2012 (previously codename Denali) and how it impacts SharePoint.

Please note the parking location at the end of this announcement.

Lunch will be provided by AvePoint and as in previous months we need to get a headcount of how many folks will attend and want lunches. We’ve set up a survey that allows you to change your response so if you initially plan on attending but something comes up you can re-open the survey and let us know. If you plan to attend please be sure to complete the survey by Monday November 14th at noon since we have to place the lunch order that afternoon. You can find the survey at Please be sure to take a minute to fill out the survey so we can have an accurate lunch count and let the parking lot know how many vehicles to expect.


November Portland SPUG Meeting


Wednesday November 16th, 2011 11:30am – 1:00pm


Microsoft Portland Office 1414 NW Northrup St.

Suite 900

Portland, OR 97209


SharePoint and SQL Server 2012

SQL Server 2012 offers many new exciting and powerful features, many of which super-charge SharePoint. Ben Muller from CSG Pro will walk us through many of these new capabilities, including BI enhancements like PowerPivot v2 and the new Power View, as well as performance improving features like the new ColumnStore index, and AlwaysOn.

Whether you’re a SharePoint Power User or an Admin, there’s lots to see in this month’s SPUG!


If you plan on driving to the Microsoft office for the SharePoint User Group please follow these parking instructions.

Complimentary parking will be available at the Safeway Parking Garage located on NW 14th between NW Lovejoy and NW Marshall.

The instructions for using the PIN to obtain the parking receipt are as follows:

· Park on the 5th or 6th floor of the Safeway parking garage located on NW 14th Ave between NW Lovejoy and NW Marshall. The entrance will be on the east (right) side of the street closer to NW Marshall. Do not park in a reserved space. If you do you risk receiving a $41 ticket that you will be responsible for.

· At the Pay Station select the $7.95 all day rate

· Then hit the # key

· Next punch in the 7 digit 7418529

· The pay station will print the receipt

· Place ticket on the dash

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