Wow, if you have not seen the announcement by Steve Ballmer today was outstanding.
If you did not view the launch event….watch it hear:
I just want to point out some great highlights and sound bits of the event and the day. Some great takeaways from the just the first few minutes of Steve’s Announcement:

Microsoft Surface Hardware coming soon….
Windows Phone 8 emerging this fall..
New XBox with Internet Explorer and Smart Glass.
Bing renewed and re-invigorated.
App Store on the horizon
Microsoft Office

Steve really wanted us to understand that this is a drive toward Microsoft Office as a Service First.
Favorite quote of the event: “Most Ambitious Release EVER!”
What is the key to success for Office 2013, Office 365….SKYDRIVE. Kurt Koenigsbauer, pointed out that this is a central critical aspect of the this version of Office….wow this is came full circle on SkyDrive.

Office 365 Customer Preview
Office 365 are designed to be your modern office, focusing on multiple platforms. Supporting devices supporting

Windows Application Mode (windows RT)
Windows Phone
Cloud First
The Modern office thinks Cloud first, this is a move much like other platforms putting yourself on the cloud as your main center point. What does this provide? Well you can now have multiple devices accessing the same data real time. This is 5 device limit….sound familiar (itunes 5 system limitation)
What does the future of SkyDrive and MSN? Microsoft has positioned SkyDrive as its consumer storage service and SharePoint for business use. This drives to support what we are already doing, just taking Google Docs out of the picture.
Social- Modern Office
Embrace of Lync/Skype (yes Skype in now integrated into Lync 2013) into a unified communication platform. Supporting your tablet, to phone, to PC easy with the sharing of your Outlook contacts via the cloud.
Here is a quick run down a some new Lync/Skype feature highlights:
Multi-Party HD Video
H.264 SVC Support
Skype Federation: Presence, IM, Peer-to-Peer Voice. No mention of video
Voice/Video over Lync Web App
Lync Mobile VoIP
Modern office embraces Annotation, take notes, markup, consume digitally…what does this mean? OneNote 2013!

Kurt Koenigsbauer, VP of Office Division
He was on fire with the demonstration, leveraging a Samsung tablet, very smooth and demonstrated the use of this one type of device.
Ribbon has been styled a little more, and given a cleaner look and feel.
Great use of fingers, a stylus, markup, a laser pointer…a newer Power Point Presentation Mode. Looks absolutely awesome for presentations.

Outlook has been redesigned and it gives some new outlook features:
Peaks, Quick Actions, Swiping to interact….
The new Quick Actions Tab, gives you at your finger tips the main 4-5 tasks.

A great demo of the power of Windows Development platform, using the Bing Maps Application integrated into Outlook.

OneNote 2013

Big push on OneNote to expand Inking, Annotation, Notes, Video and Camera feature, Edit with one screen keyboard, and great Radial Menu Control.

Microsoft Word
Word now drives you sign in when you launch. This promotes cross device, storing in the cloud, using Skydrive service. We now see auto resize for device, read mode, and

SharePoint 2013
Social boards, preview of media, documents, video.

Document Management
Documents I am following, liked, suggested docs…more.

I will try and keep posting as the weeks and months go and we see more features and capabilities….Definitely a exciting day in the world of Microsoft…Lets get ready to roll up our sleeves and build some killer business and personal eco-systems.
